Friday, February 29, 2008

God Keeps His Promise

God put rainbow in the sky and made this promise to Noah,
“Never again will I destroy the world with a flood.

I make this covenant with you and with all creatures.
From this day on,
there will always come a time for planting,
and a time for gathering up what was planted.
Day will always follow night,
the warm days of summer will always follow
the cold and snow of winter,
as long as the earth shall be."
So, the next time you see a rainbow, think of Noah and the flood. Remember that God loves you, and that no matter how bad the storm, there will always come a bright new day.

Now, let's make a rainbow to remind us about God's promise
Print the color pattern, than cut and arrange them,
or you can use the bw one, and trace them on color heavy paper

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Jesus Loves Me

This door hanger remind us about Jesus love...
Print the pattern on a heavy paper, than cut along the edges.
fold on the dashed lines than glue the back sides of the pattern.
Don't forget to put your picture on the heart shapes, and remember...

Jesus loves you, always.

Monday, February 25, 2008

A Child of God

Print this sheet,
then let your children draw themselves
as the children of God

God Bless My House

Click and print the pattern on a board paper/construction paper.
You may print a color pattern
or bw pattern then color it before you cut it.
Then follow the instruction to make a cute simple house.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Mary Jones' Bible

The story of Mary Jones and her Bible is a famous traditional story.

Mary Jones was a girl who wanted a Welsh Bible of her own. After saving for six years and walking twenty five miles in order to buy one, her determination inspired the formation of the British and Foreign Bible Society.

I made this activity for children age 3 - 5 years old for the story of Mary Jones.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Valentine Box

Just print the pattern, cut, fold, glue, ...
voila ... a cute valentine box!
you can use it as a ornament or give it for someone.